Bug Bulb
It's difficult to store, unless you wedge it between two other items in a garage or closet where its guts and burned bugs can contact other items. This lanthanide helps to alert people in case of danger by pointing them towards the nearest light source. Using Electri Zap makes the process easy. It has reduced the mosquito population significantly, allowing us more time to spend outdoors without having to constantly swat away these pests. You can also be assured of quality and customer service. They are an eco-friendly and non-toxic solution to keeping insects away. Take them off the menu with this amazingly effective and portable bug zapper. Since 1945, Do it Best has proudly served the do-it yourselfer. If this is your aim, choose an insect repellent that comes with octenol, as it attracts insects more effectively than a UV lamp. This lower cost is directly reflected in the overall quality of the item.