Customer Review Of Bug Bulb
The Bug Bulb Zapper is constructed with high-quality materials. Pests can be found in almost every part of the world and these insects or animals can bring some kind of discomfort in your everyday existence. This will ensure that you get a bug zapper of high quality that meets your requirements and delivers outstanding bug zapping performance. Electri Zap Bug Light Zapper offers not only superior bug-zapping capability, but also additional features that enhance usability and convenience. Although the design of the bulb is enclosed, it is still recommended to use the light in dry places without the risk of getting the bulb wet for safety reasons. By minimizing background light, you will get better results. These zappers have powerful UV lights to attract insects from a considerable distance. Enjoy bug-free bliss this summer with the Electri Zap Bug light bulb. Unlike chemical insecticides that can be harmful to the environment, Bug bulb Light Zappers do not rely on any toxic substances. In conclusion, Bug bulb Light Zappers function by attracting insects using UV light and subsequently electrocuting them upon contact with the electric grid. It is also very quiet, as its sound won't disturb your sleep.